Thrift stores are my absolute favorite. There is so much goodness to be had if you are up for a little digging. Even if I was a millionaire, I would still be drawn toward secondhand items.

I needed to find new lighting in my girls’ room and found the perfect thing at my local Habitat for Humanity Restore. It cost $1.88. I mean. You just can’t beat that.chandelier 3

Here is what the light looked like when I bought it. It was wood and brass and covered in dusty old fake vines.


I spray painted the whole thing white and found these cute little shades at Goodwill. Another thrift store score!

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So for $1.88 + the cost of the shades ($1.97 ea) and a string of crystals from Amazon, I was really happy with this find!

March 16, 2016 — Aimee Weaver