The women in my family (my mom, sister, and sister-in-laws) all go away together for a weekend in the fall. In the past we’ve gone to the Country Living Fair and Philly.

This year we decided to go to Peddler’s Village which is in historic Buck’s County about an hour and a half away.

{me, my sister Sara, sis-in-law Heather, sis-in-law Andrea, mom}

Peddler’s Village is a really pretty spot to spend the day! We shopped at the colonial-style buildings, ate some fantastic food, and shopped some more!

Oh, the food….I think I gained at least several pounds over the weekend. As a mom, it is a glorious thing to eat a meal at a restaurant without needing to take care of any little ones!! So fun.

Our weekend also including a dinner at PF Changs (awesome Chinese food), shopping at the PA Premier Outlets (pretty much has every store you can think of), running out of gas in the middle of a busy road (not-so-awesome and quite embarrassing), and stopping at a barn sale.

Buck’s County is such a beautiful place! I just loved all the historic stone homes and pretty farms. And spending time with my girls pretty much just rocks. I love them!  And my husband is awesome for taking good care of the kiddos all weekend while I was gone!

Hope you had a great weekend too!

Happy Monday!

September 26, 2011 — Aimee Weaver