Blog Award
I was just given a fun bloggy award by Michele at Faith, Trust, & a Little Pixie Dust. Thanks Michelle!
So now I need to tell 7 little known facts about me. Here I go…
1. I married my first date, my first love, my first kiss. We are complete opposites, but somehow, it just works perfectly.
2. I feel like only now, at 31 years old, I am finally figuring out who I am, what I really enjoy doing, what my gifts and strengths are, and I am more excited than ever about my future and the future of our family!
3. I want to raise chickens. And horses. And maybe sheep. And have an orchard. I think we need to move to a farm.
4. Even though my little sis owns a coffee shop, I don’t drink coffee. I think it tasted just terrible. I won’t drink tea either, or any other hot drinks for that matter. I can barely tolerate hot chocolate. Weird, huh? The hubs loooongs for me to drink coffee with him and I wish I could be cool like that, but sadly, my taste buds just won’t cooperate.
5. I wish I were a better seamstress. Fabrics seriously inspire me so much and I have so many ideas in my head of things I want to create, but I totally lack the skill. Maybe someday.
6. Even though I paint stuff all the time (as in, almost every. single. day), I really don’t enjoy the painting process. It’s a means to an end. The end product always makes me excited enough to endure the tedious painting process.
7. For our next big vacation/trip, the hubs and I want to visit England, Ireland & Scotland. Rolling green hills, amazing castles, cliffs overlooking the ocean…yeah, that sounds about right. Unfortunately, it won’t happen for quite a while, but it’s fun to dream!
And now, I nominate my sister-in-law Andrea and my friends Beth and Janelle for the award! It’s your turn ladies!