Oh, Hello Monday
Is it really Monday already? The days are just flying by lately. It might have something to do with these guys keeping me on my toes. All the time.
They also give me crazy eyes. CAAARAAAAZZYYY. (Anyone watch Parks & Rec? Remember this reference?)
The weekend was spent painting, staining, painting, and some more painting. If you’ve ordered a sign from me recently, thank you for your patience. I’m in constant “catch-up” mode.
Did I ever mention that my customers are the best? They really are. Everyone I’ve worked with has been amazing. I’m new to this sign-selling thing and am learning as I go, so I really appreciate everyone being so kind and encouraging.
I paint in my fabulous studio.
I wish. Actually I mostly paint in my kitchen. Or outside, if it’s nice. Wherever I can keep one eye on my kids and one eye on the paint brush.
Avery has decided to join me. She paints the headlines of the newspaper. Love that girl. I miss her when she is in school. And her brother misses her more. He still seems lost without her here to boss him around.
Here are a few signs that I’ve made recently using some beautiful old barn doors…
This one is going in a boys bedroom. How cool is that verse??
I’m still working on re-doing my entryway and can’t wait to show you how it turns out!
Currently granola is baking in the oven (smells great!), the laundry has been started, Avery just got on the bus, and my two littlest are still in their jammies. I can’t guarantee that they won’t stay in their jammies all day. Please don’t judge me.
Hope you have a great week!