I must say, I am addicted. I go through phases and right now, I’m enjoying FN. Favorites shows include Barefoot Contessa (would love to visit Ina at her yummy house in the Hamptons. She makes me feel warm & fuzzy inside.), Everyday Italian (wish I were a cool friend of Giada’s), Paula Deen (just to listen to her accent) and semi-boring shows like Unwrapped and Iron Chef.
I mostly just like drooling at the great-looking food on the shows. It hasn’t really helped me cook any better though…
Oh, boy, I never expected to be showing so much at only 3 months! What IS the deal? I guess it’s because it’s my second baby and my body knows what to do! Oy. Oh, and it probably doesn’t help that I eat a meal every 2 hours, with some snacks in between. You think I’m kidding? If only…Although, I must say, I think I’m starting to get over the nauseous stage, which is wonderful!
Have a great week everyone!